Poedjangga's Corner

Welcome to Poedjangga's Corner A place where I can share my thoughts and feelings. I will post them in English or Indonesian, which ever suit my mood, and I hope everyone can ejoy them. *feel free to share anything on this blog, Am I generous?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

~ a little tought of mine ~

will it be my hard earned money?
will it be my life time savings?
will it be my compounded assets?
or nothing at all?

would they praised my name?
sing glorious songs, read some poets
and tell greatst story never ending?
or do nothing at all?

what would be my last gift
when I left this world?
what would they do
when I move to another?


and my daughter's smile brightened up my day

Sunday, November 26, 2006

~Kesibukan Sebelum Tidur ~

jemari kecilnya mengusap daguku
"emis..." katanya sambil tersenyum
bukan sayang... itu jenggot
"egot..." katanya lagi sambil tertawa

sambil telentang, kakinya dihentakkan
botol susu tertendang, jatuh ke bawah
"datuh..." dengan tampang bersalah
"dendang..." ketendang maksudnya

sambil sibuk mencari botol dibawah
ia berkata "susu...datuh"
"iya nggak papa sayang... ayo bobo lagi"
lalu ia membalikkan badannya dan rebah disampingku

setengah terlelap ia usap kumisku
"emis..." sambil setengah menutup mata
"kumis sayang..." kataku sambil menusap kepalanya
"bobo..." dan ia pun terlelap

Thursday, November 16, 2006

~ Bisikkan Bisu ~

kuikuti kamu sepanjang hayatku
kusanjung kamu sepenuh hatiku
kubanggakan kamu dan tingkahmu
namun bibirmu terus membisu

berkali kali telah kukatakan
apa yang selalu menjadi dambaan
kata cintamu itulah yang kutunggu
namun bibirmu terus membisu

dulu kamu tak seperti ini
kata cinta kau obral murah
namun waktu sudah berganti
kata bisumu membuatku gundah


malam pun telah berganti larut
dan seperti hari hari sebelumnya
kuselimuti tubuhnya sambil mencium dahinya
kubisikkan "aku sayang kamu..."

dan mulutku pun kembali membisu

~ Jumat ~

Cerah dan sedikit berawan
angin semilir meniup sesekali
berbondong bondong mereka datang
sepatu dan sendal memenuhi halaman

suara air yang tak hentinya
bercipratan membasuh tubuh suci
membersihkan dari keringat kotoran
dan menjernihkan pikiran

Berbondong bondong mereka datang
sepatu dan sendal memenuhi halaman
baris berbaris memenuhi kesucian
serentak semua memenuhi kewajiban

Sambil tersenyum Ia pun berkata
"Hari ini mesjid penuh.."

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

~ Swim like a Penguin ~

I am a lonely penguin
far away casted from my flock
alone standing on icy floor
on south pole where cold is my home

fishes are my friends
in my stomach they swim
I eat alot sometimes
when the tides are shallow

ice bears and gigantic whales
they really are a different story
swim ashore they care
invites me to their belly

I am a lonely penguin
far away casted from my flock
call me whenever you see me
I will swim right into your dreams

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

~ Renungan di Pagi Hari ~

pertama kali kulihat tukang bubur itu
ramah wajahnya dan gesit gerakannya
tangannya yang lincah dan cekatan
meracik dan menyajikan bubur tuk pelanggan

tekadnya yang tinggi untuk berusaha
dan semangat membara yang menggebu
mengalahkan beratnya himpitan beban
anak dan istri menanti dirumah

tak jarang dengan percuma bubur diberikan
tak jarang harus dagang berpindah pindah
tak jarang panas dan hujan menghentikan langkah
karena ikhlas, ia terus berusaha

empat tahun berlalu kulihat ia masih diujung sana
rama dan gesit tidak berkurang sedikitpun
lincah dan cekatan, ia masih seperti dulu
dan ia masih seperti dulu

apakah dunia memang tidak adil?
empat tahun berlalu dan waktu berlalu?
aku disini dan ia masih seperti dulu?
ataukah aku yang menghukum dunia secara sepihak?

dan sekali lagi kudengar decak kagum
penikmat bubur ayam diujung jalan
kantorku yang sekarang megah mewah
"Emang bubur ini kagak pernah ada yang ngalahin..."

Monday, November 13, 2006

~ A Walk with My Dad ~

It was years ago
I was not yet a man
not old enough
but I remember

There I was walking with him
holding iron stick
hat on my head
sweat all over me

There I walk beside him
watching what he did
imitating his every move
telling myself, I can do it better than him


It was couple days ago
She was not yet a girl
not old enough
but always act like one

There she was walking with me
holding my cell phone
her diaper half full
she drinks alot that day

There she walks beside me
watching what I did
imitating my every move
She must have been thinking, I am better than daddy

she stopped
put cell phone on her face
blinking one eye and she said
(something like) "click..."

Sunday, November 12, 2006

~ Kamus Bahasa Bayi Berenang ~

Air... katanya
di kobok kobok... sambil meremas remas air dengan tangannya
"pat... pat"
di ciprat ciprat... sambil menepuk air yang bercipratan
hujan katanya... ketika ia kecipratan air
"tan... aun"
seperti ikan paus... sambil menyemburkan air dari mulutnya

gemes yah?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

~ Dua Ratus Kata Tentang Anaknya ~

Dan Ia pun terhenti sejenak
matanya berputar
Ia sedang berfikir
setengah melamun setengah mencari jawaban

"Apa yang harus kutulis?"
"Apa yang harus keungkapkan?"
"Apa yang harus aku ceritakan?"
Dua ratus kata tentang anaknya...


kaki-kaki kecil itu mendekati ibunya
dengan baju setengah kebesaran
dan kaus kaki yang hampir lepas sebelah
senyum manis dan Ia berkata
"mami... main"


dan tangannya pun kembali menulis
"... Ia adalah anak yang periang dan mempunyai keingintahuan yang sangat besar."
"... Karena itu, kadang menjadi keras kepala demi memenuhi keingintahuannya tersebut."
sambil meletakkan pena, Ia berkata
"Yuk... mau main apa sayang?"



Monday, November 06, 2006

~The Song ~

"did you see my glasses?"
It was her favorite glasses
the one she wears every day
but she seems to lost it.. again and again

"did you see my comb?"
it was her favorite comb
the one that she uses every day
but she seems to lost it.. again and again

"did you see my... did you see my...?"
Now that was my favorite song
I hear it every day
and she will always certainly sing it again and again

and again...

Friday, November 03, 2006

~ Beings ~

They were made
each one different from others
each one special

Only several of them
small number but numerous
much much more that we can imagine

they fly fastest of all
they are in many places
they are in many forms

they watch our every moves
they watch our every action
they watch and take note

O Beings of Lord
Once created may never faltered
who spread messages to us all
who take our life and rest our soul

Angels are what they are called

Thursday, November 02, 2006

~ Unfair ~

An old man call his two sons
He fears that his day will pass soon
and before he depart
he wants to give his fortune to his sons

Sons, I am giving you ten million dollar each
Use the money wisely
cos they are my life savings
both sons are grateful and left their father

the old man has thought his sons well
both are capable entrepreneurs
each has their own business
and their own way of thinking

the older son is a real estate developer
with his father money, he builds a top notch hospital
he hired the best doctors
bought the best medical equipments

he named the hospital his father's

the younger son is a religious politician
with his father money, he builds a grandeous mosque
he invited all orphans and the poor
to have meals three time daily there

he named the mosque his father's

When the time comes
the old man call his sons for the last time
he was proud
and he was thankful

the older says
father, I build this hospital for you
It will take care of you before you depart
and will give you blessing afterward

the younger says
father, I build this mosque for you
It will bless you before you depart
and will take care of you afterward

the old man pleased
he lived a happy life
taken care in the best hospital
and blessed in the grandeous mosque

but when all the three depart
they all went to hell


Another old man call his two sons
he has everything in this world
but he believe his beliefs
and he will do it in the name of Allah

Sons, I am giving you two sets of high explosive devices
in the name of Allah
blow up our enemies
and let us die in Jihad

the older son went to a top notch hospital
blew up his bomb
kills all the best doctors
and destroy the best medical equipments

he died in the name of Allah

the younger son went to a grandeous mosque
blew up his bomb
kills all the orphans and the poor
who were going to eat their meals

he died in the name of Allah

the old man was pleased with his sons
he died peacefully
and with his two sons
they all went straight to heaven


a little boy
read above stories
I'm going to make movies out of these...

~ My Princess ~

funny thing my daughter is
as clever as a talking bird
as smart as a photocopy machine
she is just so me

whenever I drink
she also wants a sip
whenever I drive
she always want to sit on my lap

whenever I say "no"
she says "no, no, no" but still go on
whenever I say "kiss me"
she gives her smile, and went about

she copied everything i said
she imitated everything i do
she watch and listen
and then repeated everything perfektly

she drooled on me
she puked on me
she wetted on me
and she pooped on me

but thats ok
its all just fine
I call them
the beauty of raising a princess

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

~ Mami Jangan Menangis ~

mami maafkan aku
aku tak berniat menyakitimu
namun aku belum bisa mengendalikan tubuh mungilku
maafkan aku

mami maafkan aku
aku tak berniat memukulmu
namun aku belum bisa mengendalikan tangan kecilku
maafkan aku

mami maafkan aku
aku tak berniat mencakarmu
namun aku belum bisa mengendalikan jemariku
maafkan aku

mami maafkan aku
aku tak berniat menggigitmu
namun aku belum bisa mengendalikan gigi dan mulutku
maafkan aku

mami berhentilah menangis
aku hanya ingin bermain bersamamu
sebentar saja
malam ini

mami janganlah marah
aku hanya ingin bercanda bersamamu
dan berbahagia
malam ini

maafkan aku
aku berjanji
untuk tidak nakal lagi


dengan rasa bersalah, ia pandangi maminya diujung sana

dan kemudian kuajak ia berbaring

dengan botol susu kegemarannya

sambil kuusap perlahan dan kukecup keningnya
kukatakan "Sayang, jangan nakal lagi yah, selamat bobo"

setengah terlelap ia menjawab